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Business English – English for Tourism

  /    /  Business English – English for Tourism
A B1 Business Preliminary certificate shows that you can:

* talk about business subjects

* understand charts and graphs

* write a short business email

* follow short telephone conversations.

Reasons to choose B1 Business Preliminary:

Succeed in business-related studies with English language skills you can prove.

Improve your career opportunities – get the English language skills you need to be successful.

A B2 Business Vantage certificate shows that you can:

* write short business messages and reports

* read articles from business publications

* listen to, understand and give your opinions in meetings.

Reasons to choose B2 Business Vantage:

Improve your career opportunities – get the English language skills you need to be successful.

Succeed in business-related studies with English language skills you can prove.

A C1 Business Higher certificate shows that you can:

* communicate effectively at managerial and professional level

* participate with confidence in workplace meetings and presentations

* express yourself with a high level of fluency

* react appropriately in different cultural and social situations.

Reasons to choose C1 Business Higher:

Improve your career opportunities – get the English language skills you need to be successful.

Succeed in business-related studies with English language skills you can prove.

Partnerships and training courses to be announced shortly