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Occupational English Test

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Why choose OET?

OET is the English language test designed for the healthcare sector

Who recognises OET results?

Proof of your English language skills Below is a list of organisations that recognise OET results as proof of English language proficiency. Please check with the organisation you are applying to regarding the OET grade(s) they will accept.


Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection
The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection recognises OET for various visa categories including skilled migration and student visas. Candidates can find more information by visiting


Healthcare Boards & Councils

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) National agency responsible for the registration and accreditation of 14 health professions in Australia. Visit for more information.


The following AHPRA Boards recognise OET:

Other Boards and Councils

Universities, Education and Recruitment

  • Health Professions Council of Namibia